A contact's address. A contact can have multiple addresses but must always have at least one address. Each contact must have exactly one address where each of the following properties is true: IsMailing, IsBilling and IsDelivery. Note that these can all be set on one address or spread across multiple addresses.

Name Type Description Required
Id Int32 (Nullable) The unique Id of the address. If this is entered, the address of that Id will be updated. If this is not entered, a new address will be entered. No
ContactId Int32 The contact's Id. This is required when adding or updating an existing Contact's address. No
Description String No
Position String No
Department String No
Organisation String No
AddressLabel String No
AddressLine1 String No
AddressLine2 String No
AddressLine3 String No
Town String No
CountyId Int32 The Id of the County. Lookup: County list. -1 can be entered if this is not known. Yes
Postcode String No
CountryId Int32 The Id of the Country. Lookup: Country list. -1 can be entered if this is not known. Yes
Phone String No
EvePhone String No
Mobile String No
Email String No
Fax String No
Website String No
AddressTypeId Int32 The Id of the address type. -1 can be entered if this is not known. Yes
IsBilling Boolean Determines if this is the Billing address. A Contact must always have one billing address. Yes
IsMailing Boolean Determines if this is the Mailing address. A Contact must always have one mailing address. Yes
IsDelivery Boolean Determines if this is the Delivery address. A Contact must always have one delivery address. Yes
GridN String No
GridE String No
Latitude Double (Nullable) No
Longitude Double (Nullable) No
CensationCode String No
Constituency String No
MailReturned_Date DateTime (Nullable) No
MailReturned_ReasonId Int32 (Nullable) No
StartDate DateTime (Nullable) This would usually be the date the address was added or when the address should be valid from. No
EndDate DateTime (Nullable) The date on which the address should no longer be used. No
UseForEmailing Boolean Determines if this address should be used when sending emails. Defaults to true. No
Ward String No
ElectoralRegion String No
Url Actions Description
api/address/{id} DELETE Deletes a single Address.
api/address/{id} GET Gets a single Address.
api/address/contact/{contactId} GET Lists all Addresses for a contact.
api/address POST Updates an existing Address.