The details of an event booking within SubscriberCRM.

Name Type Description Required
ContactId Int32 The unique ID of the contact that this booking is associated with. No
MembershipNumber String The Membership Number of the contact that this booking is associated with. No
EventId Int32 The unique ID of the event that this booking is associated with. No
EventTitle String The title of the event that this booking is associated with. No
EventStartDate DateTime The start date of the event that this booking is associated with. No
EventEndDate DateTime The end date of the event that this booking is associated with. No
SubEventId Int32 The unique ID of the sub event that this booking is associated with. No
SubEventTitle String The title of the sub event that this booking is associated with. No
SubEventDate DateTime The date of the sub event that this booking is associated with. No
CPDHours String The number of CPD hours that are awarded for attending this event. No
Speakers String The names of any speakers for this event. No
Url Actions Description
api/eventsbooked/{contactId} GET Lists all events booked for a contact.