A booking for an event. A booking contains any number of delegates and sub event bookings. The booker can be considered the person who made the booking, and may or may not be attending as a delegate. If a payment is made for a booking, it is the made against the booker.

Name Type Description Required
Id Int32 (Nullable) The Id of this booking. No
EventId Int32 The Id of the event that this booking is for. Yes
ContactId Int32 The Id of the contact that this booking is for. Yes
BookingDate DateTime (Nullable) No
OrderNumber String No
Title String No
FirstName String No
Surname String No
ContactName String No
Position String No
Department String No
Organisation String No
AddressLine1 String No
AddressLine2 String No
AddressLine3 String No
Town String No
CountyId Int32 The Id of the County. Lookup: County list. -1 can be entered if this is not known. Yes
Postcode String No
CountryId Int32 The Id of the Country. Lookup: Country list. -1 can be entered if this is not known. Yes
Phone String No
Mobile String No
Email String No
BookingMethodId Int32 The Id of the booking method. Lookup: Event Booking Method list. -1 can be entered if this is not known. No
BookingWhereHeardId Int32 The Id of how the booker found out about the event. Lookup: Event Booking Where Heard list. -1 can be entered if this is not known. No
Notes String No
EventDelegates List<EventDelegate> The list of delegates (attendees) that make up this booking. No