The details of a venue for events within SubscriberCRM.

Name Type Description Required
Id Int32 (Nullable) The unique Id of this venue in SubscriberCRM. No
VenueName String No
ContactName String No
AddressLine1 String No
AddressLine2 String No
AddressLine3 String No
Town String No
CountyId Int32 The Id of the County. Lookup: County list. -1 can be entered if this is not known. Yes
Postcode String No
CountryId Int32 The Id of the Country. Lookup: Country list. -1 can be entered if this is not known. Yes
Telephone String No
Fax String No
Email String No
Website String No
Notes String No
Url Actions Description
api/eventvenue GET Lists all event venues.
api/eventvenue/{id} GET Gets a single event venue.