The contact types contained in SubscriberCRM.

Name Type Description Required
EventId Int32 The Id of the event. Yes
ShouldShow Boolean Should the event be availble on the website. No
MembersOnly Boolean Is the event only available to member. No
FullyBooked Boolean Determines if the event has been set as fully booked. Please note, this is not an automatic or based on the number of bookings but a manual override available to the users. No
CreditCardOnly Boolean Determines if only credit card payments should be accepted for this event. No
AllowMultiplePlaces Boolean Determines if the user should be able to book multiple places on a sub event. Please note that this would be without adding another delegate. No
ConfirmationEmailText_Html String The confirmation email text in Html format No
SuccessfulBookingText_Html String The successful booking text in Html format No
AllowMultipleDelegates Boolean Determines if the user should be able to book multiple delegates. No
DoNotAllowBookings Boolean Determines if bookings should not be allowed for this event. This can be used to just advertise the event on the website but not actually allow bookings. No
IsHighlighted Boolean Determines if this event is highlighted. This could be used to promote a specific event(s). No
Show_From DateTime (Nullable) The date to show the event from on the website. No
Show_To DateTime (Nullable) The date to show the event to on the website. No
ConfirmationEmailText_Plain String The confirmation email text in plain text format. No
SuccessfulBookingText_Plain String The successful booking text in plain text format. No
FullyBookedText_Html String The successful booking text in plain text format. No
FullyBookedText_Plain String The successful booking text in plain text format. No
Terms_Html String The terms of the event in Html format. No
Terms_Plain String The terms of the event in plain text format. No
ShowTerms Boolean Determines if the terms of the event should be shown. No
MustAcceptTerms Boolean Determines if the terms of the event must be accepted in order to book onto the event. No
Url Actions Description
api/eventwebsitesettings/{eventId} GET Gets the website settings for an event.
api/eventwebsitesettings POST Updates the website settings for an event.