A contact's Consent Preferences.

Name Type Description Required
ConsentCategoryId Int32 The Consent Category's Id. Yes
Mail Boolean Determines if the Contact would like to receive mail regarding this Consent Category. Yes
Email Boolean Determines if the Contact would like to receive emails regarding this Consent Category. Yes
Call Boolean Determines if the Contact would like to receive calls regarding this Consent Category. Yes
Sms Boolean Determines if the Contact would like to receive SMS messsages regarding this Consent Category. Yes
PreferredMergeTypeId Int32 (Nullable) The Id of the Contact's preferred Merge Type for this consent category. If not set, the either the preferred Merge type will not be updated, or the default merge type will be used. -1 - Do Not Send, 1 - Letter, 2 - Email, 3 - SMS. No
Date DateTime The date the consent was given. Yes
ConsentReceivedById Int32 The ConsentReceivedBy Id. This indicates how the consent was received. Yes
ConsentGivenBy String Indicates who gave the consent. No
Notes String No