A new delegate (attendee) on a new event booking.

Name Type Description Required
Id Int32 The unique Id of this Holding Event Delegate in SubscriberCRM. No
HoldingBookingId Int32 The Id of the associated Holding Event Booking. No
BookingDate DateTime (Nullable) No
ContactId Int32 (Nullable) No
Position String No
Department String No
Organisation String No
Title String No
FirstName String No
Surname String No
AddressLabel String No
AddressLine1 String No
AddressLine2 String No
AddressLine3 String No
Town String No
CountyId Int32 No
Postcode String No
CountryId Int32 No
Phone String No
Mobile String No
Email String No
Notes String No
AccessRequirements Boolean No
AccessRequirementsDescription String No
DietaryRequirements Boolean No
DietaryRequirementsDescription String No
HoldingSubEventBookings List<HoldingSubEventBooking> The list of sub event bookings for this delegate. No