Id |
Int32 |
The unique Id of this Holding Sub Event Booking in SubscriberCRM. |
No |
HoldingDelegateId |
Int32 |
The Id of the associated Holding Event Delegate. |
No |
SubEventId |
Int32 |
The Id of the sub event that is being booked. |
Yes |
Quantity |
Int32 |
The number of places required on this sub event. |
No |
Speaker |
Boolean |
Indicates that this place is for an event speaker. |
No |
Chairperson |
Boolean |
Indicates that this place is for an event chairperson. |
No |
Notes |
String |
Any additional notes for this place. |
No |
UnitAmount |
Decimal |
The cost of a single place on this sub event, less any VAT. |
No |