An amount of money that is/was owed by the contact.

Name Type Description Required
Id Int32 The unique Id of the item. No
ContactId Int32 The Id of the Contact that this demand belongs to. No
StatusId Int32 The Id of the Payment Demand Status for this demand. Lookup: Payment Demand Status list. No
SubscriptionId Int32 (Nullable) The Id of the subscription that this demand refers to. Note that this is the actual subscription item, not the subscription class. No
EventId Int32 (Nullable) The Id of the event that this demand refers to. No
InvoiceId Int32 (Nullable) The Id of the invoice that this demand refers to. No
OtherIncomeId Int32 (Nullable) The Id of the other income that this demand refers to. No
DonationId Int32 (Nullable) The Id of the donation fund that this demand refers to. No
TotalAmount Decimal The total amount of the demand. No
PaidAmount Decimal The amount that has been paid against this demand so far. No
ClearanceDate DateTime (Nullable) If entered, the date on which the demand was fully paid. No
IssueDate DateTime The date on which the amount was due. No
Reason String This indicates what the demand is for. It is read only. If it is for a subscription, it will show the subscription class title. If it is for an event, it will show the event title. If it is for an invoice, it will show the invoice number. No
Url Actions Description
api/paymentdemand/{id} GET Get an individual payment demand.
api/paymentdemand/contact/{contactId} GET Lists all Payment Demands for a contact.