The payment demand statuses contained in SubscriberCRM.

Name Type Description Required
Id Int32 No
Title String No
IsCleared Boolean Determines if the status indicates the demand is cleared/paid. No
IsUnpaid Boolean Determines if the status indicates the demand is unpaid. No
IsPartiallyPaid Boolean Determines if the status indicates the demand is partially paid. No
IsWithdrawn Boolean Determines if the status indicates the demand is withdrawn. No
Url Actions Description
api/paymentdemandstatus GET Lists all Payment Demand Statuses.
api/paymentdemandstatus/{id} GET Gets a single Payment Demand Status.
api/paymentdemandstatus/cleared GET Gets the 'Cleared' Payment Demand Status.
api/paymentdemandstatus/unpaid GET Gets the 'Unpaid' Payment Demand Status.