The details of a subscription belonging to a contact.

Name Type Description Required
Id Int32 (Nullable) The Id of the Subscription. If this is set, that subscription will be updated. If this is not set, a new subscription will be added. No
ContactId Int32 The Id of a Contact. This is required when adding or updating an existing Contact's subscription. No
SubscriptionClassId Int32 The Id of the Subscription Class. Yes
SubscriptionStatusId Int32 The Id of the Subscription Status. Yes
PaymentMethodId Int32 The Id of the Payment Method. No
Cost Decimal The base cost of the subscription. This is excluding any discounts. No
Total Decimal The total cost of the subscription. This takes into account any discounts and political levy that has been applied. No
DiscountRate Decimal The discount, in the form of a percentage, to be applied to the cost of the subscription. No
DiscountAmount Decimal The discount, in the form of an amount, to be applied to the cost of the subscription. No
DiscountUntil DateTime (Nullable) The date that the discount should apply to. No
Quantity Int32 The quantity of the subscription. No
IsGiftAid Boolean Should gift aid be claimed on for this subscription. No
StartDate DateTime (Nullable) The date the subscriptions starts. No
ExpirationDate DateTime (Nullable) The date the subscription should expire. The status will automatically change to 'Expired'. No
LastDueDate DateTime (Nullable) The date the subscription was last due. No
NextDueDate DateTime (Nullable) The date the subscription is next due. No
NextDemandDate DateTime (Nullable) The date a demand will next be created for this subscription. No
Individuals Int32 (Nullable) The number of individuals that this subscription relates to. No
EndDate DateTime (Nullable) The date the subscription ends. No
PoliticalLevyAmount Decimal The political levy amount that should get added to the base cost of the subscription. No
Payment SubscriptionPayment When adding a subscription through a NewContact a payment for that subscription can be added. No
Url Actions Description
api/subscriptiondetails/{id} GET Gets a single subscription.
api/subscriptiondetails/contact/{contactId} GET Lists all subscriptions for a contact.
api/subscriptiondetails POST Adds a new subscription or updates an existing subscription. Adding a new subscription, will also create a payment demand for that subscription.