Address |
A contact's address. A contact can have multiple addresses but must always have at least one address. Each contact must have exactly one address where each of the following properties is true: IsMailing, IsBilling and IsDelivery. Note that these can all be set on one address or spread across multiple addresses. |
BankDetailsRequest |
A contact's bank details. Use when POSTing bank details to API endpoints. |
BankDetailsResponse |
A contact's bank details. Returned from API endpoints via GET requests or as the result of a POST. |
ConsentDetails |
The Consent Details attached to a consent preference. |
ConsentPreference |
A contact's Consent Preferences. |
ConsentPreferencesRequest |
An object containing a list of Consent Preferences and the Consent Details. |
ContactCheck |
Information about a contact from the checking process. |
CPDDetails |
A contact's CPD Details. There will only be one set of CPD Details for an individual contact. |
CPDItem |
A contact's CPD Item. A contact can have multiple CPD Items. |
EmploymentDetails |
A contact's employment details. |
Event |
The basic details of an event within SubscriberCRM. |
EventBooked |
The details of an event booking within SubscriberCRM. |
EventBooking |
A booking for an event. A booking contains any number of delegates and sub event bookings. The booker can be considered the person who made the booking, and may or may not be attending as a delegate. If a payment is made for a booking, it is the made against the booker. |
EventDelegate |
A delegate (attendee) on an event booking. A delegate contains any number of sub event bookings. |
EventVenue |
The details of a venue for events within SubscriberCRM. |
EventWebsiteSettings |
The contact types contained in SubscriberCRM. |
GiftAidDetails |
The Gift Aid Details of a Contact. |
Group |
The groups contained in SubscriberCRM. |
GroupMember |
Information about a contact's membership to a Group. |
HoldingAddress |
Either a new contact's address or an existing contact's holding address. A contact can have multiple addresses but must always have at least one address. Each contact must have exactly one address where each of the following properties is true: IsMailing, IsBilling and IsDelivery. Note that these can all be set on one address or spread across multiple addresses. |
HoldingBankDetailsRequest |
A contact's bank details. Use when POSTing bank details to API endpoints. |
HoldingBankDetailsResponse |
A contact's bank details. Returned from API endpoints via GET requests or as the result of a POST. |
HoldingBooking |
A new booking for an event. |
HoldingConsentPreference |
A contact's Consent Preferences. |
HoldingDelegate |
A new delegate (attendee) on a new event booking. |
HoldingEmploymentDetails |
A contact's employment details. |
HoldingGiftAidDetails |
Either the Gift Aid Details of a new Contact, or the holding Gift Aid Details for an existing Contact. |
HoldingGroupMember |
Information about a contact's membership to a Group. |
HoldingNewContact |
A new contact to be added to SubscriberCRM. This will go into the 'Web Sync - New Contacts' area for processing. This is the best method of adding a new contact rather than manually adding the individual elements. |
HoldingPayment |
The details of a Payment belonging to a new contact. |
HoldingPaySourceDetails |
Information about a contact's Pay Source. |
HoldingPersonalDetails |
A contact's personal details. |
HoldingProfile |
A contact's profile data. Profiles are user-defined data structures that can contain many different types of data. There are two types of Profile - Single and Multiple. The Single profile type can contain any number of fields, but only a single value for each field (i.e. 1 row in a table). The Multiple profile type can contain many entries (i.e. many rows in a table). |
HoldingProfileRow |
HoldingSubEventBooking |
An individual element of an event that a new delegate has booked. |
HoldingSubscriptionDetails |
The details of a holding subscription belonging to a contact or new contact. |
NewContact |
A new contact to be added to SubscriberCRM. This will create a new contact directly. This is the best method of adding a new contact rather than manually adding the individual elements. |
NewEventBooking |
A new event booking to be added to SubscriberCRM. This will create a new event booking directly, complete with any delegates and sub event bookings. |
Payment |
The details of a Payment for an existing contact. |
PaymentDemand |
An amount of money that is/was owed by the contact. |
PaySourceDetails |
Information about a contact's Pay Source. |
PersonalDetails |
A contact's personal details. |
Profile |
A contact's profile data. Profiles are user-defined data structures that can contain many different types of data. There are two types of Profile - Single and Multiple. The Single profile type can contain any number of fields, but only a single value for each field (i.e. 1 row in a table). The Multiple profile type can contain many entries (i.e. many rows in a table). |
ProfileField |
ProfileRow |
SubEvent |
An individual element of an event that can be booked - e.g. a ticket, workshop/session place, dinner option. |
SubEventBooking |
An individual element of an event that a delegate has booked. |
SubEventRate |
Details of a rate associated with a sub event. A sub event rate is a set of costs that are different to the standard costs of a sub event - e.g. a reduced cost for members. |
SubscriptionDetails |
The details of a subscription belonging to a contact. |
SubscriptionPayment |
The details of a Payment for an existing contact. |